On most automobiles, we provide a start-to-finish paint service, in which we do all the work to give you your preferred finish of the paint. We handle everything from bodywork to fabrication to welding to preparation and painting to accomplish a complete automotive restoration in Dubai.
We provide you with a detailed cost breakdown and keep you informed about the status of your comprehensive restoration project. We have an in-house paint shop. We use the best technology and craftsmanship to give your car paint, which looks straight out of the factory. We use the latest technology and our inventory of tools includes a Paint booth W/Oven, a Launch paint booth, a Sanding & Polishing Machine and an air compressor. Paint work must always be done by skilled professional, as mediocre paint job can ruin the charm of your car
We Offer:
Car wrapping -Wraps are a great way to customize your car without touching the original paint. This also helps in keeping the paint good as new. It lets you experiment with different colours and designs. Also significantly cheaper than getting your car repainted.
Sanding & polishing
All kinds of cars body parts painting ,doors, mudguards, bumpers, spoilers, side mirrors, car rims painting
Complete body paint
Complete body polishing
Small body scratches paint touching
Complete vehicle colours changing from inner & outer sides